Unleashing the Epic: The Top Ten Comic Book Battles That Shook Worlds

Brad Kern
3 min readApr 3, 2024


Image from The Comic Vault. Also one of my favorite comic book battles!

In the vast world of comic books, one thing can be said about them: their battles are epic. There’s something about superheroes and villains duking it out against each other that really draws people in. With the biggest comic book fan on the case, I present to you the top ten best comic book battles!

Superman vs Doomsday

Was there another storyline more brutal than this? The story ‘The Death of Superman’ finally pitted him against an unstoppable force known as Doomsday, and boy what a battle it was. Their fight was so intense that Superman seemingly died from it! Meaning he is no more… gone… dead.

Batman vs Bane

In the famous ‘Knightfall’ storyline, Batman finds himself on the wrong end of his opponent’s strength once squared off against Bane. With his back broken by Bane, Batman had to somehow muster up enough willpower (and the help of a new Batman) to defeat him because… he’s batman apparently.

Spider-Man vs Green Goblin

A rivalry that spans for ages between these two (I’m sorry) “amazing” characters reaches its peak in the Spiderman comic book issue called “The Night Gwen Stacy Died.” As tragic as it is for readers who enjoy good stories, their battle sets Spider-Man down a path that would forever change his life!

Wolverine vs Sabretooth

These two characters are always at each other’s throats — constantly fighting and tearing into each other with just raw animalistic fury. It’s no surprise then how much blood they manage to shed with every interaction.

The Avengers vs Thanos

Thanos is a threat like none other; especially when he wields godlike power with an Infinity Gauntlet — so naturally only an entire team of superheroes could hope to take him down! Though it’s not easy… or quick as they are desperate for the universe’s fate.

The X-Men vs Magneto

In the X-Men universe, there is no greater threat than Magneto and his ability to control magnetism. It’s really a battle of two strong forces coming together to see who has more power. Which only serves as a reflection of the larger themes of prejudice and acceptance that define the X-Men universe.

Wonder Woman vs Ares

As the God of War, Ares is one tough cookie to crumble for Wonder Woman — but if anyone can do it, it would be her. Their battles are epic clashes between two titans as each displays its mighty strength and will against the other.

Thor vs The Midgard Serpent

You would think that Thor, being a god in all, would have an easy time against most enemies, right? Well, you’re wrong because even this guy struggles with some foes like The Midgard Serpent whose battles shake up time itself!

The Flash vs Reverse-Flash

You wouldn’t think that two characters that zoom around at insane speeds could cause any damage but man do they blow everything up in their path! I mean come on, with every punch or kick these guys throw it pushes the limits of their abilities.

Daredevil vs Bullseye

With Bullseye’s ability to turn anything into a deadly weapon Daredevil had to be careful during their fights… well he didn’t have to be careful he just had to make sure he was better… or else he’d be dead by now.

These battles are just a taste of what comic books have put out on paper over the years! One thing’s for certain though: when heroes go toe-to-toe with villains you know sparks (or should I say punches) will fly! — Brad Kern



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