The Top Ten Most Popular Amalgam Comics Characters

Brad Kern
2 min readMar 14, 2024


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Amalgam Comics was a short-lived but popular imprint that brought together characters from Marvel and DC Comics to create new ones. Each character had traits of both universes — and they were intriguing enough to make fans love them. Here are the top 10 most popular characters in the universe:

Dark Claw

A mix of Batman and Wolverine, Dark Claw has Wolverine’s fighting skills and Batman’s detective skills. He’s dark and mysterious — a standout in this universe.


With Superman’s super strength, speed, and endurance mixed with Captain America’s leadership and tactical skills, Super-Soldier is an unbeatable hero. His patriotic design made him a fan-favorite too.


Spider-Man’s wall-crawling abilities mixed with Superboy’s strength made for a fun character to follow along with when he goes on adventures. Fans found his youthfulness relatable.

Iron Lantern

Iron Man has advanced tech while Green Lantern can create anything with his power ring — Iron Lantern can do it all too! His suit design made him look like a force to be reckoned with as well.


Wonder Woman is known for her strength while Storm has her weather-manipulating ability — Amazon has both! It only makes sense why she grew a big following.

Doctor Strangefate

Doctor Strangefate has the powers from Doctor Strange, Professor X, and Doctor Fate combined into one character who’s also a psychic! The complexity of this character fascinated fans.

Bruce Wayne, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

As Batman mixed with Nick Fury, Bruce Wayne now possesses S.H.I.E.L.D.’s technology which put him in the perfect position for espionage work as well as crime-fighting.

Speed Demon

Ghost Rider has superpowers but moves slow compared to the Flash — combine their powers together though and you have a speedy Ghost Rider. Fans loved the design of this character too.

Green Skull

Green Lantern’s powers give him willpower while Red Skull has sinister intellect — put them together and you get an extremely formidable villain. Plus, he looks spooky.

Spider-Boy 2099

Spider-Man is a classic hero in a regular setting but 2099 sends him to a dystopian New York City with futuristic tech that matches his abilities well. It’s weird but fans liked it!

Each of these unique characters has become iconic to its respective fans from Marvel Comics, DC Comics, or both — that alone makes them important to comic book history! — Brad Kern



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